
Search Results for: presuppositions

mind tools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp meta model nlp generalization nlp presuppositions
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

NLP Presuppositions

What are NLP Presuppositions?

Simple! In NLP Presuppositions are basically – “What is the person assuming to be true, underneath what they are actually telling me?”. Presuppositions are not necessarily true, but even if the are not, by holding something not-yet-true as being true, we can help to bring that to fruition.

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mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp milton model nlp presuppositions
Milton Model
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.


We have learnt in the Meta Model that Presuppositions are basically – “What is the person assuming to be true, underneath what they are actually telling me?”. Presuppositions are not necessarily true, but even if the are not, by holding something not-yet-true as being true, we can help to bring that to fruition. Now the presuppositions in relation to the Milton Model. Presuppositions are the most powerful of the language patterns, when used by a communicator who presupposes what she does not want to have questioned. A general principle is to give the person lots of choices and yet have all of the choices presuppose the response you want.

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nlp practitioner training
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

NLP Practitioner November 2024 Bangkok Thailand

Our NLP Practitioner program is about how the brain works, it is about how people learn, think, decide, motivate and love life more.  Join our NLP Practitioner Training: 2 to 5 November and 9 to 11 November, 2024 – Your brain works faster than you think. Join our Licensed Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Training in Bangkok, Thailand.NLP Practitioner

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mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp milton model the use of or
Milton Model
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

The use of Or

Now I know the title of this article sounds like a bad version of the Wizzard of Oz, but we are here for the The use of “Or” in presuppositions which is part of the Milton Model. Some of you reading this article have kids. And by the way, having kids is not to be ashamed about. Yet continue reading this article you will discover something very familiar. Lets start with an example. Did you ever had difficulties making your kids do homework? Here is the trick. If you ask them “Please do your homework.” the answer is “No” or “Later” or whatever response they are giving you. Logical, because a kid is honnest in their response. Now, just for the demonstration of it, refrase the question and ask something like: “Do you do your homework before or after dinner?”.

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mind tools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp nlp milton model milton erickson
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

NLP Milton Model

The NLP Milton Model. You’re about to discover what made Milton Erickson the modern day legend that he is until now. And you are about to discover how powerful the NLP Milton Model is. Have fun reading and practicing! Before we dive into Erickson’s magic language patterns, let’s answer the question: “Who was Milton Erickson?”.

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mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp milton model nlp ordinal numerals
Milton Model
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

Ordinal Numerals

First promise me something. As you are reading this article about Ordinal Numerals, make sure you read it through the end. Second, promise yourself to practice this stuff a lot. Third, make notes and grow your own library of this stuff. Because if you complied with the first, second and third hint, you already know that the fourth is not that hard. Incorporate it in your knowledge-base of the Milton Model, specifically the Presuppositions. Questions?

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mind tools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp meta model
NLP Meta Model
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

NLP Meta Model

We invite you to consider several things about the NLP Meta Model as you explore the next pages. First, learn both how the NLP Meta Model is used for wonderful results and also how it can be misused, both are being discussed.

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mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp meta model nlp generalization Limits of the Speaker's Model.
NLP Generalization
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

NLP Generalization

The third process in the NLP Meta Model is NLP generalization, also directed to Limits of the Speaker’s Model. Where we draw global conclusions based on one, two or more experiences what we call the process of NLP generalization.  At its best, NLP generalization are one of the ways that we learn. We take the information we have and draw broad conclusions about the world based on one or more experiences.  At its worst, generalization is how we take a single event and make it into a lifetime of experience.

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mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp meta model nlp distortion nlp mind reading
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

NLP Mind Reading

In NLP Mind Reading is when you assume you know what another person thinks or feels in a given situation. And I know what you are thinking right now! Because you never completely or fully do, even if you think they or feel is a close representation of what another person thinks or feels. So, by its definition, any assumption about another person’s feelings or thoughts is mind-reading.

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mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp milton model change of time verbs and adverbs
Change of Time Verbs and Adverbs
Mind Tools Co., Ltd.

Change of Time Verbs and Adverbs

Change of Time Verbs and Adverbs is a great article about helping you deeper understand the concept of presuppositions and the Milton Model. It helps you to quickly and easily change the perception of your client. In proper use of it, you are able to provide some kind of an embedded command to your client. It helps you presuppose something by using Change of Time Verbs and Adverbs. Take the following example: “You can continue to relax.”. It presupposes that you are already relaxing. Another one: “Are you still interested in doing business?”. It presupposes that you were at some point interested in doing business with me. Now we have provided you some examples already, let’s take a closer look on how to apply this technique. Here we go!

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