mindtools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp meta model nlp distortion nlp complex equivalence
In this article you will learn what in NLP Complex Equivalence is. We will provide you some examples and of course we will give you some to exercise with. Happy Reading!

In NLP Complex Equivalence is a conclusion. It bases itself on a static belief that gives some conditions. The outcome will always be the same. NLP suggests that this is a close view of potential possibilities. It provides opportunities for learning, growth and change. Often, complex equivalences are used in the process to chunk up (or generalizing) inappropriately. To make summary judgments that do not apply as widely as a person is implying.

Consequently, keywords to listen for are “A equals B”, “A is the same thing as B”, “A means B”. Remember to make clearly not to confuse them with “A leads to B” or “When A, B” or “If A then B”, which are all three cause and effect statements.

Take the following sentence as an example: “Well, you coming home late from work is the same thing as wanting to spend less time at home.”. Hence to challenge and question that statement, you can ask: “When did it start being the same thing?”. Herein presupposing that it was not always.

“You look relaxed, so you have slept well.” Here the conclusion of being relaxed is bound to sleeping well. Is this really true?

To reveal the Complex Equivalence you can start to ask questions like:

  • How would you know when … ? And;
  • What would be an example of …
As a result for today, write down 20 examples of Complex Equivalences, in all the possible forms you can recognize them as “A equals B”, “A is the same thing as B”, “A means B”. Again, remember to make a difference between statements that are “A leads to B” or “When A, B” or “If A then B”, which are all three statements of Cause and Effect! In NLP Complex Equivalence is part of the higher chunk called Distortion which is part of the Meta Model

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  • All
  • Chunk Size
  • Enjoy
  • Fulfill
  • Indirect Elicitation Patterns
  • Milton Model
  • NLP Analogue Marking
  • NLP Deletion
  • NLP Meta Model
  • NLP Meta Program
  • NLP Unspecified Verb
  • Ordinal Numerals
  • Presuppositions
  • Relationships
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