mind tools personal development neuro linguistic programming nlp milton model generalization nlp universal quantifiers

Words such as all, every, always, nobody, etc. are Universal Quantifiers. Universal Quantifiers usually indicate overgeneralization. Remember we are in the land of, Trance, Hypnosis and the Milton Model. So the usage of Universal Quantifiers should be applied in such a way. Where the Meta Model learns us to reveal deleted, distorted or generalized information, here we are going to use Universal Quantifiers to be specifically vague and provide the listener ways that produce trance as well as other outcomes. Every word you are reading here can assist you in going deeper and deeper into a beautiful trance. And so should we utilize Universal Quantifiers.

Some examples of Universal Quantifiers

Everybody has an iPhone! Really? Is the whole world using an iPhone? Everyone is going to the party! The whole world is going to the party? That must be a big party!

And of course an Exercise with Universal Quantifiers

Have fun reading our articles about Limits of the Speaker’s Model the Inverse of the Meta Model and the NLP Milton Model and the exercises we provide you here online. Universal Quantifiers.

Last but not Least

Remember, to increase your efficiency as a NLP Practitioner, know your positive intention for the message you want to convey, build rapport and pay attention on what and how you use language. Leave people and business in a better place that where you found them, every day!

Mind Tools provides NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner Trainings and Certifications. We educate you according to the renowned, latest and highest standards set by the Society of NLP. We will train you thoroughly in all the corners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and some extras we learned from Richard Bandler directly.

  • All
  • Deletion
  • Gathering Information
  • Inverse of the Meta Model
  • Limits of the Speaker's Model (Generalization)
  • Lost Performative
  • Milton Model
  • Semantic Ill-Formdness
  • Unspecified Referential Index
  • Minimum length of 8 characters.
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